Monday, May 6, 2013

Eastlake Settee

I bought this in Washington D.C, it was covered in a gold color material that was falling apart. It also had springs in the seat part, which I took out. You can see the middle spring is still in.

I had my husband cut a board for the seating.  This furniture redo wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be.  The foam seat was 70.00 without a coupon, lucky I had a coupon :)  Tawnya a friend of mine suggested a burlap kind of material. I found the material at Hobby Lobby, which I love!
                                                   Picture of the wood detail up close

Monday, April 29, 2013

Creamy Tuscan Pasta Sauce

My friend Carol and I, fixed this recipe together for dinner at her home. Our husbands loved it!!!
Quick Tuscan Pasta Sauce                       Creamy Tuscan Pasta Sauce
Yield: Serves 4-6
This would be delicious with grilled or cooked chicken thrown into the mix. Also, you can use lowfat cream cheese and lowfat milk; the sauce is more creamy and smooth the higher fat content you go but I usually stick with 1% milk and less fat cream cheese and we love it. If you have fresh basil, scrap the dried basil and add in about 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil at the end of cooking (or do a combination of dried and fresh for maximum basil flavor). To maximize how quickly this meal comes together, start the noodles cooking at the same time you start the sauce.
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely minced or pressed through a garlic press
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried basil
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened and cut into 8 pieces
  • 8-ounce jar sun-dried tomatoes, rinsed, drained and chopped
  • 2 cups milk
  • 6 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated (about 2 cups)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, more to taste, if needed
  • Diced fresh tomatoes, fresh basil for topping (optional)
  1. In a medium pot or skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly, taking care not to let the garlic burn. Stir in the dried basil. Add the cream cheese, stirring with a whisk until the mixture is smooth. It will look curdled at first, but with constant whisking for 2-3 minutes, it should come together to form a smooth, creamy paste. Stir in the sun-dried tomatoes.
  2. Over medium heat, add the milk gradually, about 1/4 cup at a time, whisking quickly and constantly until each addition is incorporated fully into the sauce. Stir in the Parmesan cheese, pepper and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring until the cheese is melted and the sauce is the desired consistency, 5-10 minutes. Serve over hot, cooked noodles.
This recipe is from Mel's Kitchen Cafe

Friday, April 26, 2013

Dimrs my hidden friends

I was given these beauties from a friend. These are the BEST!!
These are more of a oval shape and a little more thicker in the middle. The Dimrs covers up the high beam great. These are also made from silicone, I forget I even have them on.
The ones from V.S. are round and thinner silicone and don't hide the high beams as good. Plus I can see the round of the silicone....maybe because I know what to look for.
You are probably saying to yourself, Girl just wear a padded bra!  I HAVE and they still show through when I am cold.  Now I know I can get a real thick padded bra but then instead of high beams being the object, my big boobs would be, so no thank you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Children

So I bought the chain and hooks all at Lowes and spray painted them black.  I used my metal cutters and cut 2 1/2 inches off of chain ( I cut 6 of them off, for 4 children)  You can make yours as long as you want.
Twist in the hooks and make sure they are evenly lined up with the hooks that will be above them.
Your final project should look like this. If some of the chains didn't line up with the others, it is easy to remove the hooks and replace them.
  (It happened to me and I had to move a couple of hooks to make the chain look lined up)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baby gap tennis shoes turned plant holder

I live far away from my grandkids and miss them so much! When I came across these cute shoes at a thrift store.
I couldn't resist buying them. They are from Baby Gap and were $3. Maybe you are thinking I paid to much for them. To me it reminds me of my grandkids playing in my yard. They are not far from my thoughts everyday. Love those grandkids xoxoxo

Thursday, March 28, 2013

No more eye sore

Darn it! I forgot to take a "before" picture! You will have to picture what I say in your mind.
In the home we are renting {for some reason} they just stuck a piece of plywood on the wall, drilled a small whole bottom left side, with the telephone hook up coming out. The plywood wasn't painted, just stuck there! probably to cover a big whole, they didn't want to fix the right way.  It was a eye sore. Since I am renting, I wanted to do something cheap that looks cute that wouldn't destroy their ....plywood.
So I decided to cover it with scraping paper. I glued the paper on, using a glue stick in the corners. This way it can be removed easy and I wasn't out a lot of money.  I bought the key holder at Hobby Lobby for half price :)  I am so happy how it turned out!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Garbage Man

I grew up in Arizona. I don't remember seeing a garbage man pick up the trash cans and dump it into the back. The garbage men I remember drove big trucks with a fork on the side that lifted the trash cans to the top.
I have great appreciation for the garabage men here. Depending on area, there are 2 or 3 working together. Usually there is the driver and then the other(s) picking up the trash and dumping.
They work hard and quick. They are efficient. I imagine my kids growing up with that same work ethic!
If I happen to be outside when they are around, I say 'thank you' with a smile and eye contact... {not creepy eye contact to indicate I'm stalking them...  because I'm really not}. I appreciate their hard work and service for a non-glamorous job! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Upcylce baby dresses

Happy Wednesday friends! Spring is almost here... I can feel it and my allergies tell me so.
Babies go through clothes fast. I love trying to upcycle clothes. My daughter is almost 2 and I still have her 3-6 month old dresses. WHY? Because they can be easly turned into a cute shirt.
You can add a little fabric to the bottom or add some tulle if you want the dress turned shirt to be longer.

{She is not too happy that she had to stand still. She kept on sitting down.}

Friday, March 8, 2013

Teaching my kids

I am a stay at home mom. I have the time to make lunches, make beds, pick out clothes, clean rooms, pick up toys {you get the idea}... I take on the responsibilities that my children are capable of doing. I always thought that since I had the time & to show my love, I would do everything for them! I mean, isn't that what a mom does?!
I was reading an article in the Ensign several nights ago about raising resilent children. I started thinking of the things I do for my children, even my older boys 10 & 13. I do a lot! Two things that I don't do, is teach them how to do things themselves and the responsibility.
That's changed! {I know, it's only day 2, but learning that I needed to change was BIG!} My 10 year old wasn't happy with the idea of making his own lunch. He pleaded that he didn't have the time. I cheered him on. He ended up having 15 minutes to play on his Kindle. My 4 year old threw a fit when I wouldn't put his shirt on for him {not on me, on him}. I tried to talk him through, but he threw the shirt on the floor & stomped off mad. Today I taught him how to deal with failure and to retry. And when that didn't work, I taught him how to stick to something until it's accomplished {ie., to stay in his room until he put his shirt on}. He was able to work through it and get that shirt on under a minute. Such dedication! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shutter turned holder

While I was at the thrift store I came across this shutter. It was ugly brown, paint was chipping. It wasn't pretty, but I knew it could be. You know the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover", that idea applies here. You can't look at something and take it for face value. Everything can be fixed up, painted. It came home with me for $2. I spray painted 3 coats of yellow. I love the sunny color!
I love the rustic, used, beat up look. To do that, I used an acrylic paint in brown and light sponged it on. You can also wipe off with a damp cloth for a different look.
I drilled two holes at the top for the ribbon to run through. I love the sunny color!

This is a central spot for my kids to hang up their books they are reading for the week. It also holds their spot in the book for next day reading.
Did I mention I love the sunny color it adds to my home?! 

Tetris with the dishwasher

Happy Monday friends!
I have a confession... I secretly enjoy loading and unloading the dishwasher. Okay, really, it's not that exciting. However, it has to be done, so why not make it fun. I love making neat rows with the bowls, plates and cups. Am I OCD?! Maybe. Just a teeny bit!
Another fun thing I do... I have blue and white plastic bowls. When I'm unloading, I stack them in a pattern... blue, white, blue, white... you get the idea.
Maybe I spend too much time unloading. It makes me giggle that I take extra time to be creative with loading and unloading. I mean who does this besides me? Please tell me I'm not crazy!

Friday, March 1, 2013

We are back together

I was eating my chocolate Power Bar this morning, kind of sad that I wouldn't be drinking a Pepsi today. I've been trying to give up Pepsi because I would like to lose my pooch and little love handles. I tried giving it up several weeks ago. I was good for 4 hard days! On Monday, I thought, 'I can do this!' No Pepsi for 2 days.
Pepsi makes me happy. It's the reason I get up in the morning... okay, not really. I get up because I have kids to get ready for school.
Pepsi is a memory. Many fabulous memories. My earliest memory is when I was 10. My aunt Sherry and family were living with us in Arizona. My mom & aunt would stay up late toll painting while us kids were supposed to be sleeping. My mom & aunt would allow my cousin and I to stay up tickling their backs. They would share a couple sips of Pepsi with us.
Another moment is when my oldest son was 7 months and could sip out of a straw... his first taste of soda. I called everyone in my family excited!
Chilled over ice in a glass, sharing one with my youngest brother on his lunch break at my parents home in Mesa. Sharing one with my mom while eating homemade salsa & chatting. Going over to my grandma's house. My grandmas & my aunts 32 ouncers on the kitchen counter, country music blasting on the stereo.
Ahhhh, Pepsi! It brings me back. I love the special moments shared with family over a cold Pepsi.
So back to eating my Power Bar. That is when I decided I wasn't going to give up Pepsi. At ALL! I will simply drink more water throughout the day.

Yeup, picked this baby up today!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spewing with craziness

Sunday morning my alarm goes off. It's time to get ready for church. I hit the snooze and tell myself "I can be late. It's okay, no one will notice." But then the good girl in me says, "Nope, get up! You have to be a good example to your kids." Naughty girl says, "It's just this once and it will be fine." The good girl says, "Ethan passes the sacrament and you need to make sure that he is there." AHHH! 20 minutes later I get up and get ready. But I don't want to. I'm mentally kicking my legs and throwing a fit.
We leave at our regular time.
I'm sitting in sacrament, no patience with my kids and the stuff all over the bench and floor...{I'm holding it in} I can pretend to have my act together and be calm... very, very calm. I can't even concentrate on the speakers.
Ever have that feeling that you can't pretend that you aren't going crazy inside anymore?
I go to set up my class. Everything is fine. The kids are great, but in my head I'm going nuts. I'm not into being at church, but I know it's where I need to be.... for myself and my children. I don't want to be a good example for the moment (really the entire day)... I'll get back to you when I'm ready to be a good girl.
I confess to the girl that I team teach with that I didn't buy any Pepsi the day before and may need to be a bad girl and run to Circle K for my 32ouncer! She tells me she has a can of cold Dr. Pepper in her car. Please get it, I beg.
A few moments later, I'm sitting on a little primary chair and popping the tab of my Dr. Pepper, grateful for friends that follow the spirit :o) of keeping a stash in their vans!! {Thanks Katherine!!}
My 4 year old won't go to his class. He wants to stay in nursery with me. I'm okay with that for a couple minutes. Couple of minutes pass and I tell him that it's time to go to class. He hides under the table upset. I grab his leg and drag him out of my class {Yeup, mom of the year award here}. I get him into the hallway and talk nicely to him about going to his class. It doesn't work out and he's back in nursery.
I do eventually go to Circle K for my 32 ouncer. I know {GASP! I sinned} Tell me something I don't know! I feel guilty. I keep the faith Heavenly Father understands me!
I don't like feeling crazy. I explained it to my mom as having Tourette syndrome. I try to be a good girl, look perfect, have it all together (which I don't) -  holding in my craziness will eventually spew out.
I am on depression medication {thank goodness for Heavenly Father and good doctors!}. I just started a little over a week ago. I was on it for 10 years and took myself off a year & a half ago. My husband completely supports me being on them. He's seen the turmoil I go through when I'm not on them. Depression is hereditary. It's a real sickness!
For now, I feel good. I have better control over my craziness, until it spews again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mexican Black Bean Chili

Modified Cooking Light Recipe of Mexican Black Bean Sausage Chili

Mexican Black Bean Chili

This is a very tasty dish!
1 ½ TB Hungarian Sweet Paprika
2 TB minced Garlic
3 TB dry Red Wine (I use cooking sherry)
2 TB Sherry vinegar (I use red wine vinegar)
2 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp ground Cumin
½ tsp oregano
½ tsp black pepper
Dash of kosher salt
¾ pound lean ground pork
¾ pound ground turkey

To prepare sausage, combine first 11 ingredients in large bowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight. I usually don't do this step because I didn't think that far in advance

2 TB olive oil
2 cups diced onions
1 TB ground cumin
1 TB minced Garlic
2 tsp dried oregano
2 TB of chipotle chilies in adobo sauce, minced.  (The recipe called for 3 cans of this stuff, it is hot add to your liking)
4 (15 oz) cans black beans rinsed and drained, DIVIDED
2 cups of chicken broth DIVIDED
2 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes
Juice from one lime
¼ cup very finely chopped cilantro

Top with these ingred. if so desire but it taste real yummy if you do
Sour cream (optional) you add this to your bowl of soup
Sliced green onions (optional) you add this to your bowl of soup.
I also add fresh chopped cilantro on top

To prepare Chili, heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add sausage mixture:  cook 7 minutes or until browned, stirring to crumble.  Add onion, 1 TB cumin, 1 TB garlic, 2tsp oregano, and chilies: cook 4 minutes or until onion is tender.  Place 1 ½ cups black beans and 1 cup broth in a food processor, process until smooth. Add pureed beans, remaining beans and broth and tomatoes to ban, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, and simmer, partially covered
45 minutes or until slightly thick.  Sir in lime juice and cilantro. 
Garnish each serving with sour cream and sliced green onions, if desired Yield 6 serving.

a keepsake

Hello you! I saw this on Pinterest & knew I wanted to make it. I move a lot...and I can't take a door frame with me... well, I could, but that's not nice. I made this for under $20.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Got oily hair?

Hello! I'm a busy girl and wash my hair every couple of days. It does get a little oily, but nothing too bad... until day 3.
Here is a trick a stylist told me about. She puts BAKING SODA in her hair. Then she shakes her head upside down to remove the powder. Baking soda soaks up the oils. 'Whala!' No more greasy hair.
I was telling a friend about baking soda. She told me she uses baby powder and that it leaves a nice smell.


Friday, February 15, 2013

A lovely side table story...

Once upon a time... while helping friends move, I was offered the side tables and quickly, said yes. {yay, {high5} back flip! okay I can't do a back flip, but I was excited!} I've been wanting/looking for side tables for some time, but I hadn't found right ones for the price of cheap.... I couldn't wait to get my spray painting mits on them.

The process

They did most of the work.

and we lived happily ever after! FIN!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gel Petals

This last week I found out about these sweet things from a friend. I have always had "high-beams". I know you know what I'm talking about, right?! 
Now I'm thinking, "Why didn't I think of something like this before and why didn't I use them years ago!"
I bought my petals from Victoria Secret. They come with 2 sets, small and medium for $25.00. These have a sticky underside so that it sticks gently to you. I didn't care for the sticky stuff so I rubbed it off. They stuck fine without and they stayed in place.
A draw back is that I still have a small bump... my sisters didn't tease & call me tiny tarts for nothing!
I heard about another nipple covering called Dimrs. They are oval shaped and silicone, which is a tad firmer. I do plan on trying those out. Dimrs need to be ordered on-line. With shipping, they are $30.00.
I will update you when I get my Dimrs. :)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pimple stopper

Toothpaste is the best disappear zit TRICK!! It doesn't matter what brand you use. I just happen to have this one on hand. I had a pimple coming... (but no white head yet).  I applied a little bit of this on the pimple for 2 nights and it was GONE!!

Toothpaste is my NEW FAV!! I use it all the time. It Works! TRY IT!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I thought I was saving money...

While shopping at Costco the other day, I bought a box of diapers for my little girl. I usually expect the cheaper brand {Kirkland} to be,... um..., well, cheaper. Nope! Kirkland brand was the same price as Huggies. So being the savvy shopper, I bought Huggies...  choking on paying almost $40 for a box of 180 diapers.
I'm a penny pincher, {okay, I'm a wanna-be, I try! I really do.} I have no problem with Target brand diapers. They work just like any other diaper. {Side story: I was talking to a friend that was told by her sister that different diapers work for different babies. And it's true. Actually, my daughter leaked with the Huggies the other night.}
After Costco, my husband & I continued our shopping to Target. {Yes, it is a weekly thing we do together.} Amidst our shopping, I ran over to the baby section to check the price & quantity of the diapers in the same size that I just bought at Costco. I used my mad math skills on the cell phone and {gasp!!} realized I paid more at Costco. Target’s diapers are $0.03 cheaper. I know, I know... it's only 3 cents, but when I consider that I just paid almost $6 more at Costco? Yeup, Target diapers it is.
I keep a stash of diapers in the credenza in our family room.
My drawer of diapers

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kitchen table Re-Do

I bought this table and chair set off Craigslist for $100. When I sent a picture to Sarah, she replied back saying it was ugly. You can't look at the NOW. She is learning!
I spray painted it black,  and polyurethane everything. I did choose an expensive material to reupholster the chairs. I think it was about $100 for the 4 chairs. The fabric is thick and very durable... a must have {even though all my children are grown and all my grandchildren live in different states}.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Decor Tray

I found this tray at the thrift store for $1.50. I decided to use it as a catch all on my coffee table.
First, I spray painted it black. I bought 2 pieces of 12x12 paper at Hobbly Lobby. I cut the paper to fit the middle of the tray. I Modge Podged inside of the tray with a paint brush. While still wet, I laid the paper on the tray and smoothed it out. Last, I applied another coat of Modge Podge on top of the paper with a paint brush. Let it dry completely!

Use it for decoration anywhere!!!!!!!!!

Organizing Scout awards

I have two boys in scouts. One is a cub and the other is a boy scout. I am still learning the ways of a Scouting mom. There is a lot to be on top of. One of them is keeping their awards organized. Okay, it's not a must, but it sure does help if you move and can't remember what has been completed. I managed to keep my 13-year olds awards and papers through 4 moves... and one of those moves was across the country.
In cub scouts, you have the Rank cards, patches and beads. Most of that is attached to the scouts shirt. For an older scout, there are the awards, blue cards for merit badges, patches, and merit badge worksheets. I was seriously lost when my oldest entered the Boy Scouts. I had blue cards in one draw, patches in my jewelry box, pins in another drawer. I was all over the place. Until I met another scout mom that was VERY organized.
She showed me a folder that she had for each of her boys. In the folder, she had the merit badge worksheets, plastic covers and baseball card protectors. Her rule was that the folder never left the house. The scout could remove the worksheets, but never the folder. The folder had everything the scout had earned and needless to say, could never be replaced.
I hope that you find this helpful in organizing your scouts awards and paperwork.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Organizing your kitchen sink

I love the idea of my dish soap, hand soap, lotion, sponge and dish brush having a central location. It just makes the sink look clean. I had been toying with the concept that I saw on Pinterest... you know the one with a plate glued to a candle holder?

One night I took myself out on a crafting date. I went to the Dollar store and walked the isles trying to get my idea's flowing. NOTHING! I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot. Then I started thinking about a pie/cake tin. I drove to Home Depot, again walking down the isles. I started having more ideas. I did buy a HGTV magazine and drove over to Marshall's.

I came across a plate and that's when all of my idea's came into one actual, good {light bulb} idea. I had drawer knobs at home to make cute feet for my sink organizer.

Items needed:
Plate {$7.99}
Drawer knobs {had}
Gorilla Glue {had}

It can really be used for whatever you would like... candy dish, a place the husband's catch all.

Ignore the outlet socket. If you make one, let us know what you come up with.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tomatillo Salsa

This salsa will make you want to come back for MORE. 


15 tomatillos ( take skin off and clean)
1 bunch of cilantro
2 squeezed lime juice
1 small avacado (ripe)
4 pieces of serano peppers ( buy them in a can) I only use 2
2 garlic cloves minced
2 TBL of sugar

Cut up tomatillos and cilantro.  Put everything on the list in a blender and
blend till creamy.  ENJOY!!


It's time to get out Valentine decorations... which I don't have. Yeup, I was on a mission and I wanted to use what I already had at home.
I had simple frames from Target, book pages and no cricut.
Since I do not have a cricut, I printed and cut out the letters. I used a font size of 500. I cut out the letters and used a glue stick to glue the letters to the book page.