Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Hi to you and you and you! It's that time again for making New Year Resolutions. In the past, I thought it was quite silly to make New Year Resolutions. Why make resolutions only at the beginning of the year and not throughout the year as you see fit? However, this year I'm making mine... I may be getting old or something because I find myself liking, doing and saying things I never thought I would. I'm 33. Is that when you mature? {giggle}
I have considered, very seriously, what my resolutions will be. What kind of wife, mother and lady do I want to be in a year? I have many places that I can improve on.
While I have been thinking about resolutions and how to keep focused, I am reminded of an idea that I read in a book written by Anita Stansfield. Her character, Alex, was an intern at a hospital. He lived in a small, cheap but decent apartment and drove a car barely hanging on. Taped to his bedroom mirror was the house and car that someday he would like to have.
What a great way to keep focused! It is easy to lose sights of what we are doing and why we are doing them. An every day reminder is helpful.... now if I can actually fit the time to cut out pictures.
Take care and Happy New Year all!

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